Our academic program follows the curriculum provided by the B.C. Ministry of Education with the primary goal of fostering continuous growth of our students’ “knowledge and understanding of themselves and the world”. The program is multi-faceted, designed to accommodate a broad range of students with varying abilities, needs, learning rates, styles, background knowledge and experience. This is accomplished through project-based, and problem-solving based learning activities incorporating a variety of approaches, strategies and technology resources.
Our program addresses:
- the development of the whole child
- the importance of building a strong foundation throughout the primary years in the area of literacy, numeracy and social responsibility
- early identification and intervention of students who experience learning difficulties while challenging all students to excel and reach their potential
- the importance of active engagement through a variety of approaches and the use of technology as a tool
- assessment and evaluation to support students’ learning
- the involvement of parents through consultation and collaboration to create a climate of respect and a commitment to life-long learning
Foundation skills:
- Reading – focuses on understanding using strategies such as making connections, visualization, questioning, and making inferences and transformation
- Writing – integrates writing across the curriculum, using a variety of approaches including “The 6+1 Write Traits”
- Mathematics – focuses on understanding number concepts and the use of PRIME assessment tool
Information about Combined Classes: Learning Together Combined Classes